Modal Split in Germany 2002© EMTA Project
Older People and Public Transport - Challenges and Changes of an Ageing Society
Ageing societies are becoming a major challenge to public transport in Europe, with the population aged 65 or over expected to double between 1995 and 2050. A report on behalf of EMTA, the European Metropolitan Transport Authorities outlined the expected challenges and the requirements of older passengers. It further provided recommendations how to make public transportation more attractive for this growing user group, illustrated by more than 20 good practice case studies from across Europe.
The project produced the EMTA report, which is available from the download section of this page.
Findings include:
The requirements and aspirations of older people go far beyond the classical accessibility context and are not primarily of a technical nature. In consequence, it will be difficult to meet the future challenges with (rather technical) accessibility guidelines. Thus, integrated concepts are necessary that combine “hard” aspects such as infrastructure and vehicles with “soft” aspects such as service, safety and communication.
When addressing the mobility of older people, economical and accessibility-related aspects are an issue, and both challenges and chances are emerging. The ageing society offers new market opportunities for public transport. For older people on the other hand, it can be a comfortable and non-exhausting way of travelling which helps them to maintain autonomy until high age.
We conducted a survey and prepared the report for EMTA.
Siegfried Rupprecht
+49 221 6060 55 0
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