Brochure stand in Odense 2005© CiViTAS MOBILIS Project
Coordination meeting in Debrecen 2005© CiViTAS MOBILIS Project
Workshop "Commuter plans & mobility services" in Toulouse© CiViTAS MOBILIS Project
Cleaner and better transport in our cities
Duration 02/2005 - 01/2009
Coordinator Tisséo SMTC : Syndicat Mixte des Transports en Commun
(City of Toulouse)
The cities of Toulouse (France), Debrecen (Hungary), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Venice (Italy) and Odense (Denmark) and their main local mobility stakeholders established a European partnership for implementing 'Mobility Initiatives for Local Sustainability' - the MOBILIS project. The partners agreed to create a new culture for clean urban mobility in the wider frame of sustainable development, ensuring involvement of all relevant stakeholders and participation of the citizens.
MOBILIS aimed to implement radical strategies for clean urban transport in all five cities, building on a broad range of policies and instruments. The project contained a total of 46 measures integrated into a detailed work programme over a duration of four years (2005-2009), which addressed all eight CIVITAS policy fields. The most outstanding activities were to:
The MOBILIS project undertook particular efforts in order to demonstrate the added value of developing and implementing broad integrated packages of policies and measures. Therefore, the exchange of experiences and good practices between the partners played a crucial role here. Moreover, specific coordination activities were focusing on the promotion and integration of the following five key topics across all sites and measures:
MOBILIS aimed to bring about positive change in the planning culture and mobility patterns of all five partner cities, but also to provide conclusions about the transferability of practices to other urban communities across Europe.
MOBILIS Project Goals
Within the MOBILIS project, Rupprecht Consult was involved in WP2 – Technical Management, especially in charge of the coordination and of the animation of Policy Integration & Clusters.
Regarding their experience they also assisted Tisséo-SMTC in the production of WP1 & WP2 deliverables (management reports – project reports – inception report …)
Siegfried Rupprecht
+49 221 6060 55 0
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