Travelling towards a new mobility
Duration 02/2005 - 01/2009
Coordinator Comune di Genova - Municipality of Genoa (CDG)
The Mayors of the four cities fixed the mission to all active partners and local stakeholders: "We commit our cities to establish a new culture for a clean urban mobility balancing sustainable development, citizens well being and safe access to all transport modes."
The objectives of CARAVEL reflected the priorities of most medium-sized cities in Europe for an integrated transport policy and respond to major urban policy challenges:
Mobility plays a crucial role in the urban policy agenda of the four CARAVEL cities. While developing and providing attractive incentives for clean and efficient public transport and restricting unacceptable personal mobility patterns, Burgos, Genoa, Krakow and Stuttgart use a "carrot and stick" policy for stabilising positive trends and developing vital cities.
CARAVEL focused on holistic and integrated approaches for sustainable urban transport, extensive awareness campaigns towards politicians, professionals, civil servants and citizens, test and implementation of alternative transport modes and innovative transport services.
During the 1st project year the main workload concerned preparation and management issues:
The 2nd and 3rd project year concentrated on the service and technological developments and the first actual implementations and field operations:
At the same time, the collaboration and exchange between the cities and their measures was intensified, leading to tangible know-how transfer and increased mutual understanding.
On the project level, the Project Managers, the Evaluation Manager and the Dissemination Managers worked closely together with the three other CiViTAS projects (MOBILIS, SMILE, SUCCESS) in order to share experiences and to mutualise and strengthen the evaluation and dissemination efforts.
The 3rd project year also saw the mid-term review when all measures were put to test in order to identify particularly positive results and issues which requested readaptions in the implementation processes. The good results were appreciated by the European Commission and as all modifications were accepted.
The 4th year which started in February 2008 focused on the evaluation of all measures and the preparation of lessons learnt in order to provide best practice examples to other cities in the world interested in the establishment of clean urban transport.
The main expected result of CARAVEL was the broader use of cleaner, resource-efficient urban transport systems based on innovative instruments and large scale demonstrations.
CARAVEL contributed significantly to a healthier and more enjoyable life in urban areas. The absence of cars or a strong reduction in their number in certain areas also led to a re-definition of public spaces as meeting points for people.
Rupprecht Consult was responsible for the Integration and Technical Management of the CARAVEL Project - the Technical Coordinator. This task consisted of the management of the project reporting (internal as well as with the Commission), organisation of management meetings, advice to project partners in strategic and administrative issues, organisation of training sessions, implementation of the process evaluation, set-up of working, communication and management tools - Rupprecht Consult functioned as the project's central office.
Siegfried Rupprecht
+49 221 6060 55 0
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