Project Details


The CE4CE project empowers circular economy system thinking for actors in public transport from Central European countries to reduce waste and create value along new life cycles of infrastructure and rolling stock. To do so, CE4CE jointly develops solutions that increase knowledge and capacities for the sector, help reduce barriers and costs, and initiate the development of new services and skilled jobs, as well as strategies and action plans that improve policy development, learning and exchange on the regional and transnational level.


Project details

Duration 01.04.2023 - 31.03.2026


Coordinator Leipzig Public Transport Company (LVB)

Project goal

Public transport helps to lower emissions but it is still resource- and waste-intensive in itself. The CE4CE project reduces the ecological footprint of public transport through a higher circularity. CE4CE aims at bringing circular economy principles into the public transport sector and, thus, reduce waste, increase efficiency in the sector and improve the ecological footprint of public transport.


The partners identify circularity gaps and develop innovative circular economy models for planners and operators. They provide guidance on how to incorporate circular economy principles into procurement processes for services and infrastructure and design more circular products and business models. A public transport (PT) Circularity Compass and an online PT Circularity Knowledge Platform open to all European interested actors will be developed.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Rupprecht Consult is subcontracted by the Lead partner Leipzig Public Transport Company (LVB) for carrying out the project and financial management of the project.

Contact details

Ana-Maria Baston
+49 221 6060 55 0

Laura López
+49 221 6060 55 0

Project partners

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