Project Details


Cooperation Along a Big RIver - Institutional coordination among stakeholders for environmental risk management in the Volga basin


Project details

Duration 12/2004 - 02/2007


Coordinator Rupprecht Consult - Forschung & Beratung GmbH

Project goal

For the Volga basin, environmental risk management is fundamental for protecting the environment, improving socio-economic conditions and promoting agricultural and industrial economies as well as the health of the Caspian Sea. Existing problems in governance and institutional performance, deficiencies in civil society involvement as well as low levels of cooperation between academic and policymaking institutions have led to a situation of significant ecologic, social and economic risks in the basin.

Strategic objectives

CABRI-Volga was an important project in support of the European Union's international cooperation goals. It has fulfilled its strategic objectives:

  • To mobilise people and institutions to cooperate internationally
  • To strengthen links between scientific community, policy-makers, and society
  • To follow an integrative approach for environmental risk reduction & sustainable river basin management
  • To contribute to scientific cooperation and experience exchange on policies
  • To promote environmental and human security in Russia/NIS and in the EU


CABRI-Volga gained wide recognition within Russia and Europe-wide, for example by:

  • Presenting its policy recommendations at an informative meeting in the Russian State Duma as well as during a Policy Roundtable in Moscow in February 2007;

  • Being featured in seven languages on the science and resaearch programme of Europe's leading news channel <link http:>"EuroNews" in July 2007.

Tangible project outputs include networks of experts and stakeholders both on the national (Russian) and international level as well as several reports, available in the download section of this page.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Rupprecht Consult - Forschung & Beratung GmbH was the project co-ordinator of CABRI-Volga.

Contact details

Siegfried Rupprecht
+49 221 6060 55 0

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