"Strengths, weaknesses and visions" for electromobility were identified and discussed in a workshop as part of the development of a charging infrastructure strategy for the city of Bielefeld.
In the context of their Green City Master Plan, the city of Bielefeld commissioned Rupprecht Consult with the development of a charging infrastructure strategy and an electric mobility action plan in April 2018. As part of the development of the action plan, an e-mobility workshop took place at the Technical City Hall in Bielefeld on 4 June 2018. Under the title "Electromobility in Bielefeld - strengths, weaknesses and visions", more than thirty urban and regional stakeholders from both the public and the private sector came together to identify Bielefeld’s strengths and weaknesses and discuss potential e-mobility actions, concepts and ideas for the city. The participants included actors from the fields of passenger and freight transport, energy, housing, urban development, tourism, research and development. The project consortium, consisting of Rupprecht Consult, brenner BERNARD Ingenieure, and the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) from Aachen University, jointly develops the charging infrastructure strategy for the city of Bielefeld. This comprises an identification of the most suitable locations for charging infrastructure, concept papers on e-mobility sharing schemes, the integration of e-mobility solutions in new building developments and e-mobility marketing as well as an action plan for the further development of electromobility in the city. The workshop results will be used as input for the development and prioritisation of measures for the action plan. The charging infrastructure strategy will be finalised by mid-July 2018.Charging infrastructure concept for Bielefeld
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