News Item

Webinar on planning for resilience on 30.06 with CIVINET DSR


Resilience is not a new term in urban planning. But since last year, crisis-proof concepts for sustainable mobility have also moved higher on the agenda.

We will be holding the webinar "Covid-19 and SUMP planning for sustainable and resilient cities in times of crisis" with the CIVINET DSR Network (German-speaking area).The webinar features two presentations from our colleague Susanne Boehler-Baedecker, team leader of the integrated planning team and expert in sustainable urban mobility plans, and from Annika DEGEN, Director of the EU Office at Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (VDV) and Vice Director of the EU Department at UITP. We will also hear from the city of Vienna and their ongoing work on integrating resilience in their city and mobility strategy with the intervention of Alexander Scholz. You can register <link https: register external-link-new-window external link in new>here.

Further Information

Susanne Böhler-Baedeker

+49 221 6060 55 14

Marcel Braun

+49 221 6060 55 20

Morgane Juliat

+49 221 6060 55 0