Fulvio Testaverde joins the team
Fulvio Testaverde is graduating in 2022 in Spatial Planning with a specialization in Urban and Regional Mobility (Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands). Recently he worked as a Research Assistant on two academic projects, one about the Fast Cycle routes in the province of Gelders (NL) with the use of QGIS, and one about the online legitimation of the Autonomous Cars industry with the use of Crunchbase, R, and Twitter. He had an internship on the application of System Dynamics Modelling in a major Dutch consultancy firm in Mobility planning. Previously he graduated in Industrial Product Design in Milan and worked as a freelance video producer. At Rupprecht Consult he’s having his Master thesis internship on ReVeAL project supervised by Dr. Ralf Brand and in conversation with Bonnie Fenton.