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The TANGENT project kicks off its journey towards multimodal traffic operations


The TANGENT project started on 1 September 2021 as part of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme in support of the European Union’s Green Deal. TANGENT aims to develop new complementary tools for optimising traffic operations in a coordinated and dynamic way from a multimodal perspective and considering automated/non-automated vehicles, passengers, and freight transport.

The European transport faces major challenges in terms of safety, greenhouse gas emissions, traffic congestion and its derived costs. In addition, the development of disruptive technologies and the emergence of new mobility solutions generate a revolution in the transport network and traffic management. In this context, TANGENT aims to develop new complementary tools for optimising traffic operations in a coordinated and dynamic way from a multimodal perspective and considering automated/non-automated vehicles, passengers and freight transport. The impact will be assessed to reach expected reduction targets of 10% in travel time, 8-10% in CO2 emissions, 5% of accidents, 5-10% increase in use public transport and use of active modes or 10% of economic costs due to more efficient management. TANGENT is a three-year project designed to do research on advanced techniques on modelling and simulation, such as prediction and simulation models for future demand & supply of transport; optimisation techniques for balancing the demand flow between the means of transport, and users travel behaviour modelling. As result, a set of applications for decision-making support will be delivered creating a framework for coordinated traffic and transport management, encompassing an enhanced mobility information service and dashboard with associated APIs and advanced functionalities with a two-fold approach: to provide real-time traffic management recommendations and to support Transport Authorities to design network-wide optimal strategies. The framework also aims at supporting a multi-actor cooperation approach for transport network management by enabling communication channels, developed through broad stakeholder engagement and local co-creation processes. In this way, TANGENT will address not only the technical but also organisational, operational and societal challenges of network traffic management of innovative data-based mobility services. The results will be tested in three case studies: Rennes (FR), Lisbon (PT), Great Manchester (UK) and a virtual case study in Athens (GR)with real data from various modes of transport, under different traffic events such as bottlenecks, accidents, pedestrian flow etc. Gathering 13 partners from 9 countries, TANGENT is coordinated by the University of DEUSTO. TANGENT builds upon the expertise of its partners, leveraging a vast array of knowledge and expertise.Coordinator: DEUSTO
  • Partners: University DEUSTO - Universidad de la Iglesia de Deusto Entidad Religioisa, Bilbao, Spain
  • Aimsun SLU, Barcelona, Spain
  • National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece
  • Interuniversitair Micro-Electrinica Centrum (imec), Leuven, Netherlands
  • Cefriel Societa Consortile a Responsabilita Limitat (Cefriel), Milano, Italy
  • iD4CAR, Rennes, France Rennes Métropole, Rennes, France
  • A-to-Be Mobility Technology SA, Porto Salvo, Portugal
  • Companhia Carris de Ferro de Lisboa, E.M., S.A., Lisbon, Portugal
  • Transport for Greater Manchester (TFGM), Manchester, United Kingdom
  • Panteia B.V, Zoetermeer, Netherlands
  • Polis, European Cities and Regions Networking for Innovative Transport Solutions, Brussels, Belgium
  • Rupprecht Consult - Forschung & Beratung GmbH, Cologne, Germany

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Further Information

Daniel Franco

+49 176 47367054

Morgane Juliat

+49 221 6060 55 0

Wolfgang Backhaus

+49 221 6060 55 0