News Item

SUMP Self-Assessment Tool launched in Brussels and Istanbul!


Is your mobility plan a genuine Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan? You can now find out using the free, online SUMP Self-Assessment Tool available on <link http: mobility-plans thesumpprocess>

The <link http: mobility-plans thesumpprocess>SUMP Self-Assessment Tool has been designed to enable planning authorities to quickly assess the compliance of their plan with the European Commission’s <link http: guidelines sump-guidelines>SUMP Guidelines (January 2014). Self-assessment is based on a set of 100 clear and transparent yes-no questions that follow the steps in the well-known SUMP preparation cycle. By working through the questionnaire during plan preparation or once a plan has been finalised, planning authorities can gain feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of their approach. For anybody who is not yet familiar with the concept or the terminology, the Self-Assessment questionnaire is also linked to a newly published online version of the SUMP Guidelines, an informative SUMP Glossary and a range of online learning resources on the <link http: course>Mobility Academy website.

On 20 November 2015, the official launch of the SUMP Self-Assessment Tool took place simultaneously at the EMBARQ 3rd Liveable Cities Symposium in Istanbul and the 2015 Polis Conference in Brussels. Members of the Rupprecht Consult team that developed the tool demonstrated how the online self-assessment approach works and discussed its use with the representatives of interested cities.

For more information and to begin your own SUMP Self-Assessment, visit: <link http: mobility-plans thesumpprocess> Feedback is welcome to <link>sump[at]

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Tamir Nir, the Vice Mayor of Jerusalem, and Siegfried Rupprecht discussing the SUMP Self-Assessment Tool at the POLIS Conference in Brussels.