Polis network released the newest version of their regularly published Thinking Cities magazine
Just a few days ago, the Polis network released the newest version of their regularly published Thinking Cities magazine. In #13 "Creating the living, breathing city" there are two Rupprecht Consult projects presented. First, Lasse Brand and Lisa Marie Brunner wrote an article about the development of the new SUMP Guidelines and how cities can make the best use out of the concept. You can find the article "Develop, implement, change" on p. 90-93.But also ReVeAL, one of Rupprecht Consults newest projects, is part of the publication. ReVeAL partners from Polis and University of Ghent wrote an article about the ReVeAL Transition areas, describing how to make UVAR measures more attractice and feasible for cities. Read the article on p.62-65. <link https: www.polisnetwork.eu wp-content uploads tc-nov-19-whole-mag_opt.pdf external link in new>www.polisnetwork.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/TC-Nov-19-whole-mag_OPT.pdf