The European Territorial Cooperation currently runs an inclusive process for medium to long-term strategies and priorities for the Alpine Space – through stakeholder workshops in all Alpine countries and an online consultation (open until 10 December 2012)
The workshop in Lindau (14 November 2012) brought together stakeholders from the Western part of the German speaking regions in Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany; they discussed the key statements of the expert report “Strategy-development for the Alpine Space” as well as the fields of action and the themes for transnational cooperation of the next programming period 2014-2020. The sustainable use of resources, the access to information and mobility have been identified as transversal and crucial themes as they are impacting the “demand” and “supply” side of each development theme. The approach chosen for the design of the next programming period is very much “problem- solution” oriented; it allows only limited views of interactions and horizontal networking between the key drivers in the Alpine Space (climate change, securing energy availability, global market dynamics, knowledge and information societies as basis for innovation, demographic change and transport of goods and persons). Thus the workshop participants and reporters welcomed the proposal of Rupprecht Consult expert Michael C. Laubenheimer of a paradigm shift and to imagine the Alps in 20 years, "what would you like them to look like", and then to decide about the steps to be undertaken to achieve this vision, i.e. to set-up a vision for the Alpine Space first before discussing and deciding on short-term problems. This paradigm shift will be inserted in the final report which will be presented at a transnational stakeholder event on 21 February 2013 in Milano. Everybody interested in the design of the strategic objectives and priorities for the Alpine Space is invited to participate in the online consultation accessible via <link http: s3 stakeholder-survey> 221 6060 55 0