News Item

Strategic integration of parking management into mobility planning


Webinar on parking management - in German only

The organisers of the webinar - the Austrian Association of Cities and Towns, the German Institute of Urban Affairs and CIVINET German Language Area - cordially invite you to learn about innovative concepts for integrating parking management into strategic mobility planning and to exchange ideas with other stakeholders on this topic. The focus will be on questions of the spatial location of parking space management (e.g. in a city-regional context, using the example of Vorarlberg, or in relation to the entire urban area, using the example of Vienna), as well as questions of the organisation and use of parking facilities (keyword: collective garages, or conversion of car parking spaces for bicycle parking facilities). In addition, materials developed within the framework of the EU project "Park4SUMP" will be presented to the general public.
The webinar is primarily aimed at employees from the fields of urban development, spatial planning, civil engineering and traffic planning, as well as road authorities and road traffic authorities.

The concept of the webinar was supported by Rupprecht Consult within the framework of the German-language CIVINET.

Register <link https: veranstaltungen strategische-integration-von-parkraummanagement-in-die-mobilitaetsplanung external link in new>here to participate online in German.