News Item

Stepping Stones Final Conference in Krakow, Poland


Conference on "How to Make Mobility Patterns More Sustainable" (18-19 September 2014)

Era-net Transport and the three research consortia SHAPE-IT, Step-by-Step and GPS, in collaboration with the National Centre for Research and Development and Krakow University of Technology, will hold the Stepping Stones Final Conference in Krakow, Poland from 18-19 September 2014. The conference is under the motto “How to Make Mobility Patterns More Sustainable” and will look at the results from the three Stepping Stones research consortia on sustainable urban mobility planning. The projects will present key success factors and recommendations based on their analyses of more than 60 local case examples of European cities and regions. After the first European SUMP Conference held in Sopot, Poland in June 2014, this is another great opportunity to learn more and discuss about the planning concept of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and sustainable mobility policies. Further information on Era-net Transport, Stepping Stones and the conference itself (agenda, travel information) is available at: <link http: results virtuele-map stepping-stones final-conference> Participation is free of charge and simultaneous translation into Polish will be provided. Rupprecht Consult is SHAPE-IT's SUMP expert partner and analyses, together with five research organisations and consultancies from Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Poland, factors that influence the effectiveness of sustainable transport policies.

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