News Item

Second meeting of the Working Group: strategic mobility concept for Bielefeld


On October 13, the Working Group consisting of 24 representatives of groups and associations relevant to transport policy, including council members, met for the second time. They discussed and commented on the draft strategy developed by Rupprecht Consult.

The Working Group meeting was the last meeting of a stakeholder process during spring and summer that resulted in the draft mobility strategy presented by Rupprecht Consult. On October 13, the draft objectives, targets and implementation strategies were presented in th whole group, followed by group work. Having groups rotate around the six main target areas meant that all participants had the chance to discuss and comment on all parts of the strategy.There was general agreement on most of the targets and strategies, showing that the inclusive development process with the stakeholders has been able to create a strong backing. During the rest of autumn, Rupprecht Consult will adjust and elaborate the draft strategy, which will be commented on a final time by the working group before being presented to the public.

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Further Information

Susanne Böhler-Baedeker

+49 221 6060 55 14