We will work towards the sustainable transport in Peruvian secondary cities, including the development of an SUMP in Trujillo!
Due to rapid urbanization and population growth, various secondary cities in Peru, such as Arequipa, Trujillo and Piura, have become metropolitan areas. Such growth was not accompanied with comparative urban infrastructure expansion. Public transport systems, in which numerous private companies compete with each other, operate at slow travel speeds, with a lack of safety standards and high levels of pollution.The initiative "Sustainable Urban Mobility in Secondary Cities (DKTI)" of the German Association for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH is being implemented in cooperation with the Peruvian Ministry of Transport and in close cooperation with selected local governments. Within its framework, the project “Organizational and Management Consulting (OMB) and creation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) in selected Peruvian cities” has started in September 2017, with a duration of 35 months. The aim of the project is to improve the preconditions for the implementation of measures for sustainable, low-emission transport in medium-sized cities in Peru. It includes: the development, and strengthening, of a general institutional structure at national and local level, as a prerequisite for the effective implementation of measures of sustainable mobility; and the creation and updating of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in Trujillo.The project´s consortium is constituted by GITEC-IGIP, PACT Peru and Rupprecht Consult. Our company is responsible for backstopping, monitoring and coordination for the technical implementation of the SUMP Process, and its deployment in Trujillo, with the involvement of local actors and in coordination with the municipality and the GIZ.In November 2017, Dr. Susanne Böhler-Baedeker travelled to Peru for the project´s inaugural activities. These included meetings for coordination and conceptional discussions with a variety of local authorities, such as the ministries, municipalities and planning entities, and the GIZ. Dr. Böhler also conducted a series of training workshops to explain the SUMP concept and methodology in Lima, Trujillo and Arequipa, directed to local and national administration representatives and stakeholders.+49 221 6060 55 14
+49 176 47367054