News Item

Rupprecht Consult becomes a Supporter of PATH


Rupprecht Consult is pleased to become an official Supporter of the PATH initiative (Partnership for Active Travel and Health).

Spearheaded by the FIA Foundation, Walk21, the European Cyclists’ Federation and the UN Environment Programme, PATH is a worldwide coalition aimed at enabling more people to walk and cycle safely as a means of reaching the Paris Agreement on climate change.

PATH represented the interests of walking and cycling at the COP27 climate conference in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt and published an open letter to governments and cities calling on them to invest more in walking and cycling to achieve climate goals and improve people’s lives. See: Campaigns | PATH - Partnership for Active Travel and Health ( The letter was supported by nearly 400 non-profit organisations from around the world.

Concretely, PATH calls for all national and city governments to plan, fund and carry out actions for:

  • Infrastructure – to make walking and cycling safe, accessible and easy to do.
  • Campaigns – to support a shift in people’s mobility habits.
  • Land use planning – to ensure proximity and quality of access to everyday services on foot and by bike.
  • Integration with public transport – to underpin sustainable mobility for longer trips.
  • Capacity building – to enable the successful delivery of effective walking and cycling strategies that have measurable impact.

PATH is organising an online symposium this autumn for inspiration and exchange amongst PATH Partners and Supporters and to prepare its engagement for COP28. Rupprecht Consult looks forward to contributing.

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Further Information

Bonnie Fenton

+49 173 726 3681