News Item

RC's first involvement in the ERA-NET on Transport


SHAPE-IT Project kicks-off in Sweden

For the first time, Rupprecht Consult is becoming active in the European Research Area Network (ERA-NET) on Transport. We have joined a consortium of five research organisations and consultancies from Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Poland to carry out the new SHAPE-IT. This project kicked-off in the small town of Gävle in Sweden on 27 May 2013, just one day prior to the ERA-NET Stepping Stones Conference at the same place. SHAPE-IT is one of three projects under the ERA-NET Stepping Stones Initiative to support a long-term, sustainable transport system in Europe. SHAPE-IT will focus on factors that influence the effectiveness of sustainable transport policies - the specific emphasis here is on the integration of policies and policy processes. Rupprecht Consult will bring in its experience in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) and scientifically support the project. At the end of the 12-month project, we will deliver SUMP fact sheets/guidance on policy and process integration.

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Further Information

Siegfried Rupprecht

+49 221 6060 55 0