News Item

RC outing to celebrate20 years of Rupprecht Consult


On July 5, the team started on an adventurous hike along the Natursteig Sieg

The group travelled to Herchen by train and walked to Mauel - not a long distance, one would suspect when looking at a map. This part of Natursteig Sieg, however, is a winding trail with steep climbs and descents. After more than two hours of up and down, the team enjoyed a coffee break at a lovely café - we were glad the weather let us sit outside! Hours later we had a picknick on the banks of the Sieg before heading to our final destination, an old castle where we had dinner. On the way, we visited North-Rhine Westphalia's largest waterfalls, the Siegwasserfall. In the end, it was nice to be back on the train after more than 20 km of hiking.