Sharing European experiences in cycling policies
To celebrate the conclusion of the PRESTO project after 33 months and to share experiences PRESTO has invited four European projects (which all work – with different methods and approaches – on the common aim of facilitating cycling in cities) to join the project's final event in Cologne, Germany on Wednesday December 7, 2011. The event was designed to bring together experts from the PRESTO consortium and other cycling EU projects with the goal of exchanging good solutions and success stories, learning from each other’s successes and mistakes, sharing materials/products and creating new networking opportunities. Invited projects were CARMA, Mobile2020, GoPedelec! (all STEER) and Bike Friendly Cities (INTERREG IVA).More information and all presentations can be obtained <link http: en training-material exchange-session _blank>here.+49 173 726 3681