News Item

Presentation on co-creation to URBACT community


Our colleague Ralf Brand recently took part in a webinar of a community of practitioners from the URBACT project "Thriving Streets". He shared insights from the SUNRISE project on good practices of co-creation.

The cities participating in this project are keen to put state-of-the-art co-creation principles to action and were eager to learn from the experiences made in the six action neighbourhoods of the H2020 project SUNRISE, which we coordinate. Ralf provided ideas and suggestions about specific co-creation techniques along the entire innovation chain, which structures the SUNRISE project:- Co-identification of problems- Co-development of solutions- Co-implementation of measures- Co-evaluation of impactsAlso the various guidelines and manuals produced by the SUNRISE partners were presented as inspiration and resources for the URBACT cities to use.Learn more about the Thriving Streets <link https: thriving-streets external-link-new-window external link in new>here.

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Further Information

Ralf Brand

+49 221 6060 55 18

Webinar screenshot
Webinar screenshot