News Item

Our website speaks German too!


Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

You can now browse through our website in both English and German.Our office is based in Cologne, Germany, and after 25 years of international project work in English and other languages, we are happy to present to you our team, our services and all our projects on our website in German!

You can download all SUMP related material in German <link https: external-link external link in current>here.

Also register for the next CIVINET Event for the German-speaking area on the June, 30th <link https: news news-detail webinar-on-planning-for-resilience-on-3006-with-civinet-dsr.html external-link-new-window external link in new>here.

And find out more about our German projects on sustainable mobility planning with <link https: project mobility-plans-hesse.html external-link external link in current>Hesse and <link https: project sump-augsburg.html external-link external link in current>Augsburg.

German Website