News Item

Nine stakeholders gathered in Tallinn to discuss implementation of the Transport White Paper.


The second TRANSFORuM workshop on Multimodal Information, Management and Payment systems took place in Tallinn, Estonia, on May 20 and 21.

The Deputy Mayor of Tallinn kicked-off the workshop with a presentation about the city’s success story about free public transport for residents.Nine external stakeholders attended the workshop – in addition to seven TRANSFORuM consortium members. The former included representatives from various NGOs, city administrations, transport operators and consultancies. Together the participants covered 10 different countries from all parts of Europe.The purpose of the event was to discuss the current draft version of the TRANSFORuM roadmap on Multimodal Information, Management and Payment (enclosed in the <link http: fileadmin user_upload tra_2014-workshop_tg4_tallinn.pdf>briefing paper) but also at the same time to provide constructive criticism to it, to identify gaps, suggest alternative structuring approaches etc. The discussion was moving along a set of key guiding questions, which are also provided in the <link http: fileadmin user_upload tra_2014-workshop_tg4_tallinn.pdf>briefing paper.Overall, the debate proved extremely valuable with some refreshing perspectives, new ideas about ways to structure the roadmaps, a heightened awareness of various technical, socio-cultural, political and other challenges but also new inspirational insights into additional good practice cases. The essence of these discussions will be available soon in the form of workshop minutes here on this website.

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Further Information

Ralf Brand

+49 221 6060 55 18

The TRANSFORuM stakeholder group in the city center of Tallinn.