News Item

NICHES+: A kangaroo visits Burgos


Transfer of travel training on how to use the bus for school children

Babu, the kangaroo mascot of the Freiburg public transport operator VAG, joined the NICHES+ expert team that visited the City of Burgos on 23 March 2010 to share good practice on travel training for children in public transport. Ute Vasen from VAG Freiburg and Florian Paul from the Munich public transport operator MVG have extensive experience with the travel training schemes in their cities. They discussed possible ways of transferring this experience to the NICHES+ Champion City of Burgos with a local stakeholder team. Rupprecht Consult supports and moderates the knowledge exchange on the topic as NICHES+ partner. While Babu mainly hang out in Tapas bars, the rest of the team was working hard on defining the possible scope and content of a travel training scheme for children in public transport that can realistically be implemented in Burgos in the coming months.

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Further Information

Siegfried Rupprecht

+49 221 6060 55 0


[1] NICHES+ Burgos Travel Training

[2] NICHES+ Travel Training for Public Transport