News Item

New trainee programme at Rupprecht Consult


Rupprecht Consult has launched a trainee programme for EU project managers for promising young professionals.

The programme foresees on-the-job training in the areas of
  • EU policy Information, Calls and Tenders
  • Project Management in Practice
  • Project Development and Proposal Preparation
  • Event Preparation and Follow-Up (Conferences, Workshops, Project Meetings)
  • Communication (Website, Brochure/ Campaign)
  • Personal Skills (Presentations/ Moderation/ Time Management)
 It is a paid programme lasting for one year. Our first trainee will start the programme today: Miriam Lindenau She holds the titles of MSc Urban Regeneration & Management from the University of Liverpool, UK, Department of Civic Design and BSc Geography from Philipps-University Marburg, Germany, Department of Geography. She has worked as student assistant for the Institute of Regional Science / Institute of Urban & Regional Planning at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany and she has also been a Tutor for Empirical Social Research and for Computer Cartography.