News Item

New project started: DREAM_PACE


We have an exciting new project!Together with eleven partners from Central Europe we will work on better integrating DRT into public transport to improve connectivity for people living in rural und peripheral areas.

In our new project DREAM_PACE, which had it's kick-off in Bologna last month, we will develop innovative DRT concepts complementing regional mobility networks together with eleven partners from Central Europe. The project is funded by Interreg Central Europe and will improve DRT planning and delivery capacities of public authorities and operators. A new generation of DRT services will become functional and integral part of regional mobility networks, enhancing accessibility for citizens, territorial cohesion and social inclusion. Integration is the key to the DREAM_PACE innovative approach, as DRT services are mostly developed as stand alone solutions to specific needs, the potential of scalable strategies and solutions is widely underestimated.

Partners will jointly develop a strategy for DRT in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans to be adopted at EU level, co-design, test and implement innovative DRT solutions enhancing mobility networks. Strategies and solutions will foster a better integration of DRT and public transport (Bologna, Pavia, Budapest areas), support a higher coordination among existing DT initiatives (Osttirol, Baden-Wuerttenberg) and experiment new integrated approaches for DRT "greenfields" (Split-Dalmatia County).

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