News Item

New project started on March 10, 2022: AC-DatEP

04.04.2022 Lisa Blondrath

Rupprecht Consult takes part in data based integrated mobility planning project in the city of Aachen (AC-DatEP)

On March 10th the mFUND project AC-DatEP (Aachen data pool for technical development and planning based on temporally and locally high-resolution measurement data) successfully held its kick-off event. The four project partners (FH Aachen, cityscaper, Stadt Aachen, 4traffic and Rupprecht Consult) gave an overview of the project’s goals to the participants.

AC-DatEP aims to measure the traffic flow and many other environmental parameters in real-time in the Aachen area to create an open-data pool and enable the combination and enrichment with other available data. Building on those data different use-cases will be developed in several innovation workshops together with citizens. Already during the projects lifetime, the data will be made openly available for usage online.

Rupprecht Consult takes the lead in developing a roadmap for the data based structural change in lignite regions by compiling the relevant results of the innovation process and the use cases in a guide for data based integrated mobility planning and coordinating an exploitation strategy for the surrounding areas.