RC colleagues Miriam Lindenau and Susanne Böhler-Baedeker present state-of-the-art and new results on citizen and stakeholder involvement in sustainable urban mobility planning.
Sustainable urban mobility planning, a strategic planning concept promoted by the European Commission, considers the engagement of citizens and stakeholders throughout the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) development process as one of the key elements. Involving communities in planning is a fundamental duty of local authorities to improve decision-making and is also a requirement stipulated by EU directives and international conventions. The paper looks at academic research on participation in sustainable urban mobility planning, citizen and stakeholder engagement practices in European cities (including results from RC projects such as CH4LLENGE), as well as the challenges of collaborative planning and how to overcome these. The authors make the case that although some participation questions remain unsolved to date, citizen and stakeholder engagement are a precondition for sustainable urban mobility planning.The paper “Citizen and Stakeholder Involvement: A Precondition for Sustainable Urban Mobility” was peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the mobil.tum Conference and has been published in Elsevier’s <link http: www.sciencedirect.com science article pii s2352146514003093>Transportation Research Procedia. Full citation: Lindenau & Böhler-Baedeker (2014): Citizen and Stakeholder Involvement: A Precondition for Sustainable Urban Mobility. Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 4, 2014, Pages 347–360+49 221 6060 55 14
[1] Citizen and stakeholder involvement: a precondition for sustainable urban mobility
Lindenau & Böhler-Baedeker (2014): Citizen and Stakeholder Involvement: A Precondition for Sustainable Urban Mobility. Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 4, 2014, Pages 347 - 360