News Item

mFUND-Conference Berlin


On Tuesday, the Ac-DatEP project team gathered at the mFUND conference in Berlin, which focused on "Mobility for all: Open Data for an inclusive transportation sector." mFUND funds the research project and aims to collect, analyze, enrich, and make available mobility data in the city of Aachen.

mFUND is a significant driver of data-driven innovations in the sectors of mobility, logistics, and infrastructure. During the conference, we had the opportunity to interact with various stakeholders, including an opening presentation by Dr. Volker Wissing, Federal Minister for Digital and Transportation. We participated in insightful forums and workshops that facilitated exchange among the participants.

Armed with these insights, we embark optimistically on the final project year of the Ac-DatEP project.

For more information on the latest developments of the Ac-DatEP project, please find it here.