News Item

LINK Final Conference


Positive messages for passenger intermodality in Europe

The further integration of transport modes to strengthen innovation and efficiency in passenger transport was the key issue at the LINK Final Conference, which took place on 30 March 2010 at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels. After three years of intense work with a network of more than 150 European experts, the European LINK Forum on intermodal passenger travel presented practical ways to enhance passenger intermodality in Europe. A high level round table discussed the role of passenger intermodality in future European Transport policy. It became clear that the further integration of transport modes will be an important topic in the coming Transport White Paper of the European Commission. The 19 recommendations and strategies to enhance passenger intermodality in Europe that were developed by the LINK Working Groups have been perceived as highly valuable input to the further discussion and actions on the European level. The "EU-Spirit" cross-border and Internet-based travel information service for customers of public transport ( received the LINK Award as outstanding achievement in Passenger Intermodality.

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Further Information

Siegfried Rupprecht

+49 221 6060 55 0


[1] LINK Recommendations full version (194 p./ 6 MB)

[1] LINK Recommendations short version (24 p./ 2.5 MB)