CAPITAL releases publications synthesising CIVITAS knowledge generated over the lifetime of the initiative
The CIVITAS CAPITAL project concluded at the end of October this year. Its completion is marked by the release of several publications on the activities and findings of the project, including: <link http: sites default files civitas_voices_inspiring_stories_and_expert_ideas_for_better_urban_mobility.pdf>CIVITAS Voices: Inspiring CIVITAS stories and expert ideas for better urban mobility: ten thematically oriented case studies of concepts that have been especially prominent in the CIVITAS Initiative, including measures and projects implemented within the last three years under the latest phase of the Initiative, CIVITAS PLUS II, and accompanied by two to three contributions per case study by members of different CIVITAS groups, such as the Thematic Groups, Advisory Groups, and National and Regional Networks (CIVINETs). <link http: sites default files capital-annual-report-2016-final-www.pdf>CIVITAS CAPITALised, 2016 edition: analyses the final year of CAPITAL from late 2015 to the end of most of the project’s activities in August 2016, exploring three thematic areas - clean and resource-aware mobility; inclusive mobility for a cohesive and health society; and smart mobility for smart growth and jobs. <link http: sites default files civitas-capital-procurement-guide-www_0.pdf>CIVITAS guidance on procuring sustainable urban mobility: outlines how public procurement strategies can have broader impacts on sustainable urban mobility patterns. It describes what cities need to do before procuring vehicles, provides a methodological approach to greening public fleets, and poses recommendations on how public authorities can push the envelope in procuring sustainable urban mobility.<link http: sites default files civitas_policy_note_transport_poverty.pdf>