News Item

German webinar Urban vehicle restriction measures


Invitation to the webinar "Urban measures for vehicle restriction" of the CIVINET network of the German-speaking region

Vehicle restrictions for inner cities are high on the agenda, especially in cities that want to improve air and living space for all. Through green zones, redistribution of road space and special access permits, cities can counteract negative effects of car traffic. The main goal here is to create more space and safety on the streets, improve the diversity of transport options and make the streets equitable for all age and social groups. 
In this webinar, we at Rupprecht Consult, together with expert Lucy Sadler (Sadler Consultants, <link http: external-link-new-window external link in new> and project manager Oliver Spree (Mobility Planning of the City of Bielefeld), are pleased to present to you the range of measures that already exist and have been tested. Important questions that arise and should be clarified in the implementation are for example: Which digital solutions can be considered to comply with the restrictions? How can the city ensure that residents are informed and convinced of the benefits of a traffic-calmed city centre? What role do traders play in the decision-making and implementation process and how can the city organise a constructive dialogue?  

We at Rupprecht Consult have many years of experience in intelligent traffic solutions and integrated, people-centred traffic planning. Together with Lucy Sadler and the city of Bielefeld, we have been supporting 6 pilot cities in the implementation of vehicle restriction measures within the European Horizon 2020 project "<link https: project reveal.html external-link-new-window external link in new>ReVeAL" for 2 years.You can register <link https: register external-link-new-window external link in new>here. (We kindly ask you to register by 15.11.2021 at the latest).  
We look forward to your participation in the event (in German only!)

Team Rupprecht Consult

Further Information
