News Item

Final EMR Connect workshop in Liège


❓ Are you based in the Euregio Maas-Rhine region?❓ Do you work in the areas of #sustainablemobility and #publictransport?  As part of the EMR Connect workshop series promoting cooperation in the Euregio Maas-Rhein, we are holding the fourth and final workshop on the topic of public transport. The workshop is co-organised by Rupprecht Consult and POLIS Network, and will be held at HEC in Liège on Wednesday 14th June. Join us for interesting presentations from across the region, along with discussions, site visits and - of course - #networking with other experts from the Euregio Maas-Rhine! More information and registration here: Register by June 8th!

The fourth and final workshop in the EMR Connect series will be held on from 10am-4pm on Wednesday 14th June at HEC (Rue Louvrex) in Liège.


The workshop series, organised by Rupprecht Consult and POLIS Network brings mobility stakeholders and experts from the EMR (Euregio Maas-Rhein) together to present innovative measures and discuss challenges. The series is part of the wider Interreg EMR Connect framework and aims to support cooperation across borders in the region.


The first workshop took place in Aachen on the topic of digitalisation and was followed by a second one in Hasselt on the topic of urban transformation and city accessibility. The third, on the topic of shared mobility, was held in Heerlen last month.


The final workshop will be on the topic of public transport around Liège and in the wider region.


Draft agenda:

- Introduction from the Smart City Institute

- Presentation on Liège mobility plans and vision

- Presentations on Liège and Aachen tram projects

- Coffee break

- Presentations on ride sharing and public transport, cross-border rail connections, and park and ride

- Lunch

- Site visits

- Informal get-together (4-6pm)


If you are interested in attending, you can register here:


Registrations close June 8th so be quick - we look forward to meeting you there.