News Item

Final Conference of the ELIPTIC project took place on 26 - 27 of April


On 26 and 27 April 2018, 125 experts from 15 countries met in Bremen to present and discuss the results of the European research project ELIPTIC at a final conference.

The ELIPTIC project was completed with a final conference in Bremen on 26 and 27 April. The outcomes of the project were presented and discussed in five sessions, including a session on the usage of existing infrastructure for e-bus charging, on network integration and on the evaluation of the project. As part of the event, the conference participants went on an excursion on Bremen’s 18m electric bus, to the Bremen bus depot.

Over the course of three years, 33 partners worked on 11 use cases all over Europe to overcome policy, technical and operational hurdles on the way to an electric transport society and identified potential business cases. ELIPTIC covered three main areas for exploiting electric public transport infrastructure: electric buses integration, an enabler for electric-mobility with multi-modal and shared mobility options, as well as energy efficiency with different recuperation approaches.

"Public transport is one of the most sensible areas of application for electric mobility. And the ELIPTIC project has provided important findings here," said Dr. Joachim Lohse, Senator for Transport and the Environment in his welcoming address. In addition to the testing and further development of electric bus concepts, the focus was also on increasing efficiency in the electrical networks of public transport - for example, in order to better optimise brake energy recovery with peak consumption during starting, as was tested in Brussels, among other places. Other valuable pilots within the project were the charging of electric buses on the tram overhead line in Oberhausen, and the connection of the robust technical infrastructure for trams with charging facilities for other electric vehicles in Oberhausen and London.

With regard to the funding landscape for electromobility, the ELIPTIC project has developed the "Factor 100" campaign: An 18 meter electric bus relieves the environment - also due to its much higher mileage - as well as about 100 electric cars, the only difference is that it does not receive 100 times the funding. "Based on this argument, Bremen, with the support of other federal states, was able to obtain a resolution for an electric bus promotion programme at the Conference of Environment Ministers in the spring of 2017, to enable the Federal Government to launch a suitable promotion programme not only for passenger cars but also for electric buses. Now 100 million euros are made available annually to get around 500 electric buses on Germany's roads. The ELIPTIC project has also played its part in this," states Transport Senator Lohse. 

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Further Information

Wolfgang Backhaus

+49 221 6060 55 0

Henning Holdinghausen

+49 221 6060 55 13

International e-mobility experts visit the electric buses used in Bremen.