News Item

ELIPTIC workshops in Barcelona and Oberhausen


From use case to business case

ELIPTIC continues work on business cases for the electrification of public transport in cities. With the workshops in Barcelona and Oberhausen, the ELIPTIC partner RWTH Aachen, supported by the coordination team City of Bremen, Rupprecht Consult and UITP, kicked off the 2nd series of workshops, which are a main part of the work on development schemes and business cases (WP4) in ELIPTIC. After having gained a better understanding of the respective use case scenarios, aims and approaches during the first workshop series, the second series now aims at exchanging views on the progress of the transformation process from use case to business case, the presentation of first results of the simulations of use cases as well as discussing related analysis and the final business case framework and its parameters. In order to evaluate technical solutions and identify promising business cases, RWTH Aachen applies a software based e-bus planning approach and the workshops are an important input for the aim of WP4 in ELIPTIC to assist the transformation of the respective use case scenarios into business cases, resulting in implementations with convincing positive financial, technical and functional feasibility.

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Further Information

Wolfgang Backhaus

+49 221 6060 55 0