On 29-31 August 2017, a 3-day data collection was carried out by TASS International using three of their connected and automated vehicles (CAVs).
Data collection was completed with three CAVs (Level 3) from TASS International along use cases in Helmond in order to track real life CAV behaviour. The data collection built upon the data specification meeting which took place in May 2017 -- the first month of the project.After post-processing the data, this will be used to proceed with the calibration of the Automation-ready or CAV-ready microscopic modelling tool that is going to be built in CoEXist.Our colleague, Bernard Gyergyay, was in attendance at the data collection and also had the opportunity to take a ride and be a passenger on the front seat. A trained and licensed driver was in the driver's seat as fallback. Bernard describes his experience with regards to the headway distance to the vehicle followed in front as the same feeling you would have as driving on a German autobahn (motorway) -- more or less normal driving conditions.+49 176 47367054