Last week, on 7-8 July, the CIVITAS SATELLITE project held its project kick-off meeting at Polis in Brussels.
CIVITAS SATELLITE (Support Action Towards Evaluation, Learning Local Innovation, Transfer & Excellence) is a support action coordinated by Polis and managed by Rupprecht Consult. Project partners, all of whom were also at the meeting, are: EUROCITIES, ICLEI Europe, REC, TML, and UITP. DG MOVE and INEA joined the consortium’s meeting for the first half-day, presenting the larger context of the project and the expectations for its work. The four-and-a-half year project will facilitate cooperation among all stakeholders involved in CIVITAS 2020 projects, with cities at the focal point of its efforts, and an emphasis on international cooperation. The first day of the meeting focused on the long-term and immediate work to be done in the project, while the second day involved a collaborative risk-assessment workshop. To support the implementation of innovative urban mobility measures, SATELLITE will build upon and further develop existing CIVITAS principles of knowledge exchange, information sharing, networking, and capacity building, and will introduce a marketplace to improve take-up of research results. SATELLITE aims to maximise the impact of CIVITAS activities in order to drive innovative policies and technologies forward to tackle urban mobility challenges and deliver solutions to help meet the targets of the Urban Mobility Package.+49 221 6060 55 20
+49 221 6060 55 0