News Item

Challenges and strategies for the development of urban nodes: Moro Workshop in Berlin


As part of the regional planning pilot project (MORO) "Urban nodes in transnational transport" the second workshop took place in the Federal Ministry of Transport, Berlin on Tuesday, 10 April 2018.

The TEN-T Regulation (Regulation (EU) 1315/2013) attributes a prominent role to the "urban nodes" in the development of the trans-European transport network. Within an "urban hub" it is a question to connect stations, ports and airports, the seamless connection of the TEN axes to regional and local transport, the linking of modes of passenger and freight transport and the reduction of environmental pollution in cities. This results in a variety of challenges such as financing and coordination needs, but also potential for the further development of the respective city with a "node function". The various local and regional actors in the transport sector and in urban and regional development must assess their priorities accordingly and develop and implement overall concepts for the development of their "urban hub".
The workshop discussed if and to what extent these challenges and fields of action cover the reality in the urban nodes and which activities are undertaken by the nodes in order to develop and implement appropriate solutions to these challenges. On the basis of a revised and completed overall picture of the challenges for urban nodes, new approaches and building blocks were developed that are suitable for helping urban nodes to strategically expand their position in the future and to prepare for the role assigned to them.

Related Projects

Urban nodes in transnational transport

Further Information

Susanne Böhler-Baedeker

+49 221 6060 55 14

Working in small groups on node strategies
Presentation by Rainer Müller on Urban Node Vienna