News Item

Call for Change Maker!


The Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) and the urban mobility SOLUTIONS network are calling for cities from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America to become involved as leading city, take-up city or training participants.

The <link http: _blank>SOLUTIONS network and the <link http: _blank>Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) are looking for take-up cities to work together on the implementation of sustainable urban mobility measures. As part of urban implementation actions the team now works with cities to assess the opportunities for e-mobility concepts in their wider sustainable transport strategy. The mission of the SOLUTIONS and UEMI partnerships are therefore to support the take-up of innovative sustainable urban mobility solutions in cities across the world and foster the integration of urban electric mobility solutions into sustainable transport concepts. This activity is part of the EU-funded project <link http: projectslist future-radar _blank>FUTURE-RADAR. Cities, as well as local and national officials can now apply to become involved in the UEMI and the SOLUTIONS network as Leading City, Take-up City or Training Participant. Applicants can be any public authority with a competence in local transport (regions, public transport authorities or public agencies), and they can be supported by local NGOs and knowledge partners. All activities within the context of the initiative will take place between March 2017 and May 2020. <link http: call-for-change-maker.html _blank> The call is open until 30 April 2017. More details on the process and the application form are available on the <link http: call-for-change-maker.html _blank>UEMI website.

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Further Information

Susanne Böhler-Baedeker

+49 221 6060 55 14