Eight stakeholders from the municipality of Ljubljana, the region and the national level discussed together with consultants the most cost-effective measures to improve the efficiency of the transport system in the Ljubljana from the perspective of an urban node of the TEN-T core network, in the fourth assessment workshop within the “Urban Nodes” study.
The study on improving the efficiency of the transport system in urban nodes of the TEN-T core network should help to further develop the urban dimension of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). The new TEN-T policy initiated through the 2013 TEN-T regulation and facilitated by the CEF (Connecting Europe Facility), needs to further develop its “urban nodes” element. The recently published “Issues Papers of the European Coordinators” for the TEN-T, presented in Rotterdam at the TEN-T Days on 20-21 June 2016, identified integrating urban nodes as one of the five areas which call for particular attention in integrating transport policy issues into further core network corridor development. Four pilot cities tested the assessment tool developed by experts in their local policy context: Genoa, Helsinki, Rotterdam and Ljubljana. The results were discussed together with experts from Rupprecht Consult, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Panteia during local assessment workshops in each of the four urban nodes. Other objectives in the series of workshops were to share the knowledge on how to evaluate transport measures from a nodal perspective, and how different governance levels collaborate together in terms of aligning strategies, priorities and distribution of available funds. The results of the study will be comprised in a list of recommendations to the European Commission on how to further improve the identified cost-effective measures and how to replicate those in the other European urban nodes.+49 221 6060 55 14
+49 221 6060 55 0