News Item

4Front Cluster meeting involving 9 EU projects in Brussels


In February, the two-day 4Front cluster meeting on Network and Traffic Management (NTM) Systems officially marked the kick-off for the preparation of a revised Strategic Research and Implementation Roadmap for NTM. Organized through a series of workshops, the meeting focused on various aspects of the roadmap, including establishing the current status quo, setting policy goals, and formulating a strategic plan for implementation.

Initiated in 2022, the cluster brought together four sibling projects under the Horizon 2020 framework aimed at advancing Network and Traffic Management for future mobility: TANGENT, DIT4TRAM, FRONTIER, and ORCHESTRA. By 2024, the collaboration expanded to include nine Horizon projects, enhancing advanced multimodal network and traffic management for comprehensive passenger and freight transport (ACUMEN, DELPHI, and SYNCHROMODE), as well as incorporating CCAM services into fleet and traffic management systems (IN2CCAM and CONDUCTOR). The event saw active participation from CINEA, DG MOVE, and JRC.

Rupprecht Consult GmbH, representing the TANGENT project, moderated the second workshop focused on achieving policy objectives and targets. The workshop facilitated discussions and the integration of critical insights from various projects. Additionally, a guideline to support scenario and vision development through SUMP in smaller cities and towns was proposed to help achieve the outlined targets.

Moving forward, the cluster aims to further develop the roadmap in the upcoming months, focusing on the vision for multimodal traffic management in 2030 and 2050.