News Item

Workshop held on Climate Mitigation Measures with EIB and City Governments


On 06 of April, we brought together EIB, researchers and city governments to exchange on their experiences with urban climate mitigation measures, how to evaluate and monitor them.

On 06 of April, we brought together EIB, researchers and city governments to exchange on their experiences with urban climate mitigation measures, how to evaluate and monitor them. The workshop was amended by three insightful presentations from Kalle Toivonen from the City of Helsinki, Alexander Scholz, from the City of Vienna as well as from Prof. Peter Jones from University College London. Their knowledge on the topic set the scene for an engaged discussion in various breakout sessions.

Key takeaways are surely that the functional urban area is currently insufficiently integrated in mitigation efforts, that urban mobility faces the difficulty of being embedded in complex systems which contradict measures put in place (tourism, health, logistics) and that existing funding schemes are frequently inadequately aligned to the needs of trial areas / living labs, which are seen as key to build acceptance to change and participation.

Another key aspect highlighted during discussions is the decision on establishing a hierarchy of planning documents that would provide the strategic framework for discussing solutions and measures. What comes first and how to establish a clear relationship and complementarity between the different strategies (SUMP, climate action plan) remains an open question for city administrations and for regions.

Clearly agreed among participants was the importance of building a solid and continuous collaboration among decision-makers, politicians, practitioners, citizens, as well as the private sector and the research arena. Going beyond the awareness level towards action, a constant flow of dialogue among stakeholders and sectors proved to have tremendous benefits in gaining political buy-in for controversial measures, in prioritisation and packaging of measures, as well as in evaluating their impacts. By creating a common understanding of the fact that climate change affects everyone and that all should act together in coordinating efforts, funding streams can be channelled effectively.

Another workshop is planned to take place mid May to focus on governance aspects of the issues at hand.

We thank all participants for their valuable contributions and look forward to the next round of discussions.

Further Information

Susanne Böhler-Baedeker

+49 221 6060 55 14

Ana-Maria Baston

+49 221 6060 55 0

Siegfried Rupprecht

+49 221 6060 55 0

Ralf Brand

+49 221 6060 55 18

Morgane Juliat

+49 221 6060 55 0