News Item

The 4th European Conference on SUMPs


On 29-30 March 2017, over 400 delegates have gathered in Dubrovnik (Croatia) for the 4th European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, to discuss, exchange and learn about intelligent planning for sustainable mobility. The team of Rupprecht Consult working on CiViTAS SUMPs-Up project was present and brought back exciting insights in the newest trends and developments in the field.

The 4th edition of the SUMP Conference was similar in terms of size and format to the previous one co-organised by the Rupprecht team in the framework of ENDURANCE project. The main theme of the conference, ‘Intelligent planning for sustainable mobility’, was addressed by experts in  interactive sessions centred around four key topics: ‘The big picture’, ‘Making the SUMP framework more effective’, ‘The integration and innovation challenge’ and ‘Planning techniques’. New aspects such as embedding the idea of SMART city in the SUMP approach, or tackling mobility challenges in touristic areas were explored. The results of the European survey conducted by our team were presented in front of the whole audience and brought upfront the need of more than 45% of the European cities to start the SUMP process. With this occasion, the SUMPs-Up team got in direct contact with European cities in search for support and funding and presented them the exciting upcoming opportunity in learning from the best mobility experts and in starting the process from the advantageous position of an Innovation City. For more details on what we are preparing, follow <link http: resources eu-funding sumps-innovation-pilot-pool>SUMPs-Up. The city chosen to host the 2018 edition of the SUMP Conference is Nicosia (Cyprus). Until next year, follow <link http: participate events>Eltis to check this year’s conclusions, presentations and photos that will be made available by CiViTAS PROSPERITY as main organiser of this edition.

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Further Information

Ana-Maria Baston

+49 221 6060 55 0