Is your city preparing its first Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP)?Is your city a small or medium-sized city that wants to prepare a tailor-made SUMP?Your city is more advanced and you want to take part in the uptake of SUMPs in European cities?
The <link http: mobility-plans project-partners civitas-sumps _blank>CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project is launching the first call for applications to join its Innovation Pilot Pool (IPP), a select group of transport and urban mobility planning practitioners who will develop innovative tools and services to help SUMP development in European cities.The IPP will enable the creation of a community of 100 transport professionals who,
with SUMPs-Up funding and through participating in its
learning activities – known as <link http: sites eltis files sump_learning_programme_description_2017.pdf _blank>SUMP Learning Programmes (SLPs) - will test and apply SUMP approaches, tools and methodologies in transport planning practice in real conditions at the local or regional levels and will provide comments and feedback on their experience to improve the tested tools and methodologies.
The first 40 IPP participants will be selected via the first CIVITAS SUMPs-Up IPP call. They will join the
<link http: sites eltis files sumps-up_ippexpertgroup_2017_final.pdf _blank>Expert Group for six months and their activities will focus on:
- Tools and services for initiating a SUMP
- Tools and services for initiating a SUMP tailor-made for small and medium-sized cities
An additional 10 IPP participants will be selected via the first CIVITAS SUMPs-Up IPP call to join the
<link http: sites eltis files sumps-up_ippleadershipgroup_2017_final.pdf _blank>Leadership Group and will assist CIVITAS SUMPs-Up for three years.The remaining 50 IPP participants will be selected via similar calls for applications that will open in 2018 and 2019 and will focus on tools and services for developing a SUMP and tools and services for SUMP implementation respectively.The application form and all related documents can be found at <link http: _blank>www.ipp.sumps-up.euThe deadline for submitting applications is
24 May 2017.For further information and questions, contact the IPP helpdesk at: <link _blank> or consult the <link http: sites eltis files sumps-up_ipp_call_faq_final.pdf _blank>Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).